Save more with personalised comparisons

Our proprietary energy usage analysis allows us to make the best predictions about which plans will save you money

Did you know the way you use energy at home can make a huge difference to which plan is best for you? The best plan for one person may not be the best for another. That’s why Joulius analyses your usage patterns … comparing each plan in the market against your energy profile is the only way to ensure you’re comparing apples with apples. 

How we do it...

You tell us about your electricity usage

Drag and drop a recent e-bill from your energy provider and/or answer some quick questions about your household. The more information we have on your usage, the more accurate we can be.

We'll create your unique energy profile in seconds

See how much you are spending on energy, how much you use, and predictions for your costs and usage in the future.

We’ll rank plans according to your energy needs

We’ll use your answers and the information provided on your bill to create a personalised ranking of all the plans in the public market according to which ones will save your household the most.

You choose the best plan for you!

Choose your plan according to the things that are important to you. We’ll provide easy step-by-step instructions on how you can switch to your new (better!) plan.

See how much you could be paying

See every public offer in the market with just your postcode. No cold calls, no emails.

Enter your postcode to see offers

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Joulius can also...

Always be the first to know about better deals.

Did you know that retailers often put you on a higher cost plan after your initial benefit period has finished? Being loyal to a retailer doesn’t always pay! Joulius can tell you whether your plan can be beaten by better deals in the market.

Compare every retailer in the market, not just a subset

Many comparison companies only work with a small number of retailers, and only show you a couple of plans from each – so you never really get to compare all plans available to you in the market. We don’t do that; we rank all retailers and all publicly available plans in our results.

Ready to sign up?

Download the app  – it’s FREE!

On a desktop? Scan this QR code using your phone.